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Our projects

Establishment of Natura 2000 network in Albania: Assistance for procurement and monitoring support

  • Swedish International Development Cooperation

  • March 2020 – July 2025

The consultancy has as the main objective to support the National Agency of Protected Areas during the procurement process with technical expertise and to support the Swedish Embassy with monitoring expertise during project implementation. The project and the consultancy are now included into the larger project called EU4Nature.

Census and Analysis of the Effort for Small-Scale Artisanal Fisheries

  • International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM Bari)

  • February 2019 – July 2020

Registering (in compliance with the requirements of the Albanian fleet register and the GFCM reporting) the vessel used in the small-scale fishery activities in the Albanian coastline

Medits campaign and data collection for demersal resources in GSA 18 (in 2013 and 2017)

  • FAO-Adriamed project

  • January 2017 – ongoing

Studying the demersal fish stock, biometric measurements, sampling collection for the otolith analysis for the main priority species of the GFCM in GSA 18.

Albanian Fishing Fleet Census

  • FAO-MedFisis project

  • January – December 2017

Census of large fishing vessels (LOA > 12m) already present in the Albanian fleet fishing register and verification of the data in the register with the field data for the bottom trawl and small pelagic fishery.

Support for the preparation of the Albania National Fishing Strategy 2016 – 2021

  • EU – IPA project

  • October 2015 – March 2016

HYDRA was the local partner of a consortium that prepared the Albanian national strategy on fish and aquaculture for approval by the Council of Ministers.

Socio economic study on fishers in major fishing ports for 2013 and for 2017

  • FAO-Adriamed – GFCM project

  • 2013 – 2017

A survey on the fishers and their socio-economic conditions has been carried out to extrapolate the parameters that will be used for the fulfillment of reporting requirement for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and Black Sea.

Monitoring of bleak stock in Lake Ohrid and Shkodra-2016

  • GIZ – CSBL Project (Phase I+II)

  • January 2013 – December 2016

Studying the fish species status in lake Shkodra, Ohrid as an indicator for the ecological status of the waters by the use of Multimesh Gillnets as monitoring methodology that also is a requirement in the environmental acquis for the Water Framework Directive.

Fisheries Assessment in Lake Shkodra/Skadar

  • World Bank LSIEMP Project

  • January 2011 – March 2013

A complex study of the lake Shkodra for the flora and fauna with a focus in the fish species and dynamics and improving collaboration with the Montenegrin part.

Rehabilitation of European eel stock in Lake Ohrid

  • GEF / Small Grants Program

  • March 2011 – March 2013

A study for the elvers in the river mouth and lagoons for transportation in lake Ohrid. The overall objective is the supply with eels for lake Ohrid following the interruption of supply as compensation from Hydropower Plant construction enterprises.